Governments in Latin America and the Caribbean face complex development challenges. The region is at substantial risk from slowing economic growth, inflation, and fiscal pressures, and its public sector is constrained by institutional weaknesses, including inefficient public spending and service delivery. Core functions of government, including human resources management and public financial management, require substantial improvements in their efficiency and effectiveness. Strengthening government functioning requires actionable diagnostics, based on granular, real-time information: for instance, data on recruitment practices to inform human resources management decisions, data on payment delays to improve procurement processes, and data on taxpayer compliance to design tax instruments. Governments can use administrative data that are specific to government functions to inform managerial decisions to improve those functions.
Governments in Latin America and the Caribbean are well positioned to leverage data for better government. The region is a global pioneer in establishing management information systems (MISs): specialized systems that collect administrative data on specific functions of government, including human resources, procurement, service delivery, taxes, and more. These information systems gather granular, real-time data on core government functions, and these data can serve as a rich source of information on challenges and opportunities in these functions. However, the administrative data recorded in these information systems are often underutilized because of inadequate data quality and accessibility, as well as limited analytical capabilities within governments. By addressing these constraints, governments can use administrative data to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of each aspect of government functioning.
Repository name | URI |
Reproducible Research Repository (World Bank) | |
Paper exhibits were reproduced on a computer with the following specifications:
• OS: Windows 11 Enterprise
• Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6226R CPU @ 2.90GHz 2.90 GHz (2 processors)
• Memory available: 16 GB
• Software version: Stata version 18 MP
~10 minutes runtime
To replicate the package follow these steps:
file. .do
file to generate all exhibits. For more details, please refer to the README file and the reproducibility report.
Some data is not yet publicly available but is expected to be made available through the Microdata Library in the future.
Author | Affiliation | |
Daniel Rogger | World Bank | |
Flavia Sacco Capurro | World Bank | |
Juan Francisco Santini | World Bank | |
Location | Code |
Latin America and the Caribbean | LAC |
The materials in the reproducibility packages are distributed as they were prepared by the staff of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/the World Bank. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions expressed in this event do not necessarily reflect the views of the World Bank, the Executive Directors of the World Bank, or the governments they represent. The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the materials included in the reproducibility package.
Name | URI |
Modified BSD3 | |
Name | Affiliation | |
Flavia Sacco Capurro | World Bank | |
Reproducibility WBG | World Bank | |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Reproducibility WBG | DIME | World Bank - Development Impact Department | Verification and preparation of metadata |