This paper estimates the impact of bilateral labor arrangements (BLAs) on migration between two countries. We use comprehensive data on bilateral migration and BLAs across all country pairs for each decade from 1960 to 2020, and employ an empirical specification with a rich set of fixed effects. In our preferred and most stringent specification, we find that signing a BLA increases migration from an origin to a destination country by 76 percent (0.57 log points) in the decade of signing. The effect persists for up to three decades. The impacts are higher for corridors without a pre-existing regular flow and for destinations in the Gulf Cooperation Council. In contrast, the effect is virtually absent for origin countries in Africa, driven by countries with weak government effectiveness. The estimates imply that BLAs can lead to substantial welfare gains: migrants from low- and lower-middle-income countries can earn an additional US$120 million annually from a single BLA.
Repository name | URI |
Reproducible Research Repository (World Bank) | |
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Author | Affiliation | |
Samik Adhikari | World Bank | |
Narcisse Cha’ngom | World Bank | |
Heidi Kaila | World Bank | |
Maheshwor Shrestha | World Bank | |
Location | Code |
World | WLD |
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Name | URI |
Modified BSD3 | |
Name | Affiliation | |
Maheshwor Shrestha | World Bank | |
Reproducibility WBG | World Bank | |
Name | Abbreviation | Affiliation | Role |
Reproducibility WBG | DIME | World Bank - Development Impact Department | Verification and preparation of metadata |